Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Baptists and War

I am speaking at the Andrew Fuller Center's conference this September at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. If anyone is going to be in the area, I highly recommend attending. There are going to be some great speakers from both sides of the pond. Below is an excerpt from the web-page promoting this event:

"War, like poverty, seems to be a constant feature of human life. And in recent days, “wars and rumors of wars” seem to be on the increase. How should Christians, and especially Baptists, think about this devastating feature of human existence? In this conference, we tackle this ever-pertinent question by looking at a number of the wars that Baptists have lived through and been involved in, beginning with the British Civil Wars all the way through to the recent Cold War. An especial highlight in this sesquicentennial year of the beginning of the American Civil War is a lecture open to the public and panel discussion on the Baptist experience in this war. Come and join us then for what we hope will be an informative and even inspirational conference on the meaning of war as it pertains to Baptist life and thought."
